Binge watching in COVID-19

I’m almost bored with watching TV. Almost.

I enjoy the comfort of retreating to a world I know through TV. Especially when the real world is riddled with confusion and stress.

But maybe I’ve binged too much. You know you’ve watched the same show too many times when…

  1. You recognize when a character wears the same clothes.
  2. You know which plots don’t make sense because they don’t match up with previous episodes.
  3. You quote the show regularly.
  4. You relate real-life situations to show plots, even mentioning them to people as if they happened to your friends.
  5. Your Instagram Explore tab is related to the show you’re binging, even showing you pictures from episodes you just watched or are about to watch.
  6. You pass any BuzzFeed quiz about the show with ease.
  7. You’ve thought about having a show-themed party because you know exactly what to serve and how to decorate.
  8. You know the season and episode number without having to look it up.
  9. You can match characters’ hairstyles to a corresponding season.
  10. You look up episodes on IMDb to catch goofs…and sometimes catch ones they didn’t.

I’m fine with my binge watching. My friends are doing the same…we Snapchat and know the season they’re on. So at least I’m not alone.

Author: Clara Bush

Clara Bush is a grammar nerd, social media specialist, and couch potato. She'll curl up with Netflix and a homemade dessert any day.

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