Winter TV 2022: 3 new shows premiere

OK, more than three shows have premiered, but I’ve got some ideas in the works because new TV shows tend to come in themes.

In the meantime, here are three new shows and my quick takes.

Promised land

10 p.m. Mondays on ABC (now it’s on Hulu)

This ABC drama is nothing like how it was advertised. Bellamy Young, massively advertised because of her work on “Scandal,” is only in two scenes of the pilot.

The show centers on a blended family and its vineyard business; it feels very soap opera-y. There was also a subplot about people crossing the border that made no sense at first until it became a “This Is Us” style flashback.

It’s a lot about family loyalty vs. staying ahead, and what secrets you’ll hide to stay that way.

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All American: Homecoming

9 p.m. Mondays on the CW 

The CW should just rename itself the Greg Berlanti network. He’s again an executive producer on this HBCU-set spinoff of the show “All American,” now in its fourth season.

The college sports drama has a good mix of characters, but they all seem rather catty.

But like “Katy Keene” for “Riverdale,” I doubt this spinoff will last long.

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10 p.m. Mondays on NBC

I’m all for a show that centers on two badass women, even if they unrealistically maintain perfect makeup throughout the day.

Starring Morena Baccarin and Ryan Michelle Bathé, these women are both after something. I wish it wasn’t so focused on love, but it’s nice to see female leads.

There’s a lot going on in the heist-crime drama — the flashback in the pilot seemed unnecessary, but the show has more glitz and punch than others like it.

Also, they probably should’ve picked a better name; “Avengers” took over this name on Google.

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Author: Clara Bush

Clara Bush is a grammar nerd, social media specialist, and couch potato. She'll curl up with Netflix and a homemade dessert any day.

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